Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mango and Yogurt Treat

In case you have lot of visitors frequently, you need to be little creativity with  your servings. Otherwise they might think that you are serving the same thing everyday. Well today's special at my place is the mango and yogurt treat, which happens to be a dessert.


  1. Mango & Pineapples (If not you can also take canned fruits.)
  2. Yogurt
  3. Plums
  4. Golden syrup or honey (Not necessary)

  1. Take few bowls or desserts cups
  2. Place a layer of yogurt and on top of that a layer pineapple.
  3. Again place a layer of  yogurt and on top of that a layer mango. Continue layering until all the ingredients are used up
  4. Sprinkles a layer of plums.
  5. If you guests like to have it sweet add honey on top of everything.
Enjoy the day. 

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